Toddlers hold the secrets to having more fun and living a fulfilling life. These are secrets we onceknew and ones that a Harvard-trained physician can help us rediscover. Terrible twos, tempertantrums, and grocery store meltdowns are usually the first things that come to mind whenpeople think of toddlers. But Merali has long thought toddlers are among the best people in oursociety and adults could do well to learn from them. Toddlers excel when it comes to kindness,laughter, play, teamwork, risk-taking, and so many other habits that could objectively improveour lives as adults if we were to act a bit more like them. Join us as we go through the importantlife lessons we can learn from our youngest teachers and leave with simple, actionable steps toimprove the well-being of the entire family. This webinar is for those who parent students of allages as well as all non-parents.